About Us

We must explain to you how all seds this mistakens idea off denouncing pleasures and praising pain was born and I will give you a completed accounts of the system and expound.

Contact Info

Sydney, NSW, Australia

+61 448-800-111


End Of Lease Cleaning Services

With the end of your lease period, it is obvious to move to a new place And everything is systematically performed to transfer to the new place or residence or so. But the most botheration is caused by the leasing of the old residence clean and as new as it had been when you came. Our experts know how to make impossible possible. Our bond back guarantee, shoulders full responsibilities by furnishing everything as is  expected and to the utmost satisfaction of estate agents.

What after the end of Lease Cleaning Services

 Time comes as your lease period ends and you prefer moving to another area. The things are to be packed and moved to a new place all safe and intact. We are here to get you remain relaxed and peaceful while the things done silently and perfectly by our specialists.

What Services We Provide

While booking your Our End Of Lease cleaning services in Sydney, you can provide us with all your requirements and the would help us to give you a fair estimate as per your need. You can also add more options to customise your cleaning services. Our End Of Lease cleaning services include:


Oven Cleaning

Windows Interiors and Glass Doors

Thorough Cleaning of All Rooms

Bathrooms & Laundry

Interiors of Cupboards and Drawers

Plus More

You can add more and customize your commercial cleaning service as per your need :

Additional Services

Carpet Steam Cleaning

Wall Washing

Blind Cleaning

Tumble Dryer Cleaning

Deep Cleaning

End of Lease Flea Treatment (pest control)

Garage Sweep & Tidy

Fridge Interior

Dishwasher Interior

Sliding Glass Doors

Balcony/Deck/Patio Cleaning

Get a quote for your End Of Lease cleaning services and book Online… 

Areas We Serve

Let’s Clean Let’s Pack provides services for both Residential and Commercial cleaning that covers most of Sydney and surrounding areas :
Five Dock
Bondi Junction

Book Cleaning Services Online !

Fill up our booking form to get a customized quote and book your house cleaning services online.