About Us

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Contact Info

Sydney, NSW, Australia

+61 448-800-111


House Cleaning Services In Sydney

The most important possessions that your life could achieve more than other things is your home. Thus goes the saying, “Home, home, sweet home”. You must have been toiling year after year to keep it clean and attractive, yet you have never been satisfied. That’s why we take up all responsibilities to maintain your house as new and attractive as ever. Our expert cleaners will take up doing the best job following a list of activities of our own and in addition to your requirement.

Thorough House Cleaning to make your home dazzle as the morning sun.

Services We Provide

Booking your house cleaning services in Sydney, you can provide us with all your requirements and the would help us to give you a fair estimate as per your need. You can also add more options to customise your cleaning services. Our general house cleaning services include:


Bedrooms & Living Areas

Bathrooms & Laundry

All Rooms

Additional Services

You can add more and customize your home cleaning service as per your need :

Deep Cleaning

Oven Cleaning

Changing Bedsheets

Sliding Glass Doors

Window Interiors

Blind Cleaning

Balcony/Deck/Patio Cleaning

Garage Sweep & Tidy

Get a quote for your house cleaning services and book Online… 

Areas We Serve

Let’s Clean Let’s Pack provides services for both Residential and Commercial cleaning that covers most of Sydney and surrounding areas :

Five Dock
Bondi Junction

Book Cleaning Services Online !

Fill up our booking form to get a customized quote and book your house cleaning services online.